Nadya Ayu Nurlia, Kapolsel Wanita Termuda

Patut jadi inspirasi, ini kisah Kapolsek Wanita termuda di Indonesia :

Siapa yang sangka pada usianya yang terbilang masih muda, Ipda Nadya Ayu Nurlia diamanahkan menjadi Kapolsek Batang Gangsal, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu), Riau.
Ipda Nadya menjadi salah satu Kapolsek wanita termuda di Indonesia. Ia memimpin kesatuannya di usia 23 tahun

Menteri Termuda Kabinet Indonesia Maju

Di antara 34 menteri Kabinet Indonesia Maju yang dilantik Jokowi, satu yang paling menarik perhatian adalah Nadiem Anwar Makarim, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang merupakan menteri termuda dalam kabinet tersebut.

Solusi Mengatasi Usaha Gagal Terus

Serangkaian usaha yang dilakukan berbuah kegagalan. Usaha digital gagal, usaha offline pun gagal. Wajar kalau kemudian timbul frustasi, lalu bagaimana menyikapinya.

Kini Mahasiswa, Esok Pengusaha : Mardani H Maming

Penguasa kuat karena ditopang dengan pengusaha, pengusaha kuat karena didukung penguasa. Untuk mengisi kebutuhan pengusaha ke depan, perlu dibentuk pengusaha muda by design. Calon Ketua Umum BPP HIPMI, Mardani H. Maming salah satu yang perlu dibentuk menjadi pengusaha adalah mahasiswa. 

The winners

Winners are people like you

Winners take a risk as other, they fear failing, but they refused to give the fear

The winner does not want to give up, when life is difficult, they will survive until the situation becomes better.

Winners be flexible, they are aware that there are other ways and dare to try other ways.

Winners sometimes failed but they are not forever.

Failed, with their hard heads that try to deny the failure impede their success.

Winners recognize that they are not perfect,
but they realize the lack of focus on their strengths.

Winners do not blame the failure on bad fortune.
Or on the success of their fortune.

Winners accept responsibility for their lives.

Winners are positive thinkers who see good things
in all things.

From the ordinary, to be changed by the extraordinary.

The winner chooses who believes the road even though difficult, even
when other people can not understand where they are heading

Indonesia : Latau on Ghobro :

Poetry of Mario Teguh

"You can not, such as kite flying, with wings
kupu2, when you want it big.
So pile your willingness and ability. "

"do not limit what is possible for you, because it
will limit what you want to do.
And that may limit you can achieve. "

"there are legal suitability for all things, he is
improve and will be a worthy life for the
improved. "

"we all want to ride the class, but not a few people
such as maintaining the applicable class of
now, with the spoil shiftlessness and delays. "

See on Latau Ghobro :

Poetry of Imam Syafii || Syair Imam Syafi'i

Resourceful people who will not settle in one place
to achieve quiet, leave the country and you go.

Go, you will certainly get to replace the
all that you leave.

Let's take,
for the enjoyment of life only in the strain.

I see that the cessation of water will make it damaged
when he will become clear, and when he stops
be bad .......

The lion does not leave the forest if he will not get a trophy,
as when the shaft does not leave the bow
will not be on target ......

And the sun, if he lived in the eastern horizon,
people will become bored.
Neither the Arabs nor foreigners ......

Seeds of the gold that has not been treated the same as dust in the place.
As a small twig on the ground will be
firewood ....

And when he departs.
He will be exalted as the value of gold .....


Syafriadi Htg Adi - Komunitas Berani Gagal Facebook
latau on Ghobro :

Pesan al Neuhart




Syafriadi Htg Adie,
Komunitas Berani Gagal Facebook

Success Story

HTG Syafriadi Adie, in facebook Brave Community Failed to write:
I invite you to see the football lunge Failed Brave Troops that might be a consideration and motivation.
Here he included several people who failed squads:

1. 1.  ABRAHAM LINCOLN (President of the USA's most popular)
 Did you know .. how many years it takes an Abraham Lincoln to the post of President ... 35 years!  You believe this ..
 In the period of his journey over the past 35 years several times through denial, from the start his candidacy as a headman, subdistrict, district heads, mayors, governors, senators get to the top of the Presidential him.  During the 35 years that Abraham Lincoln was a lot of experience failure and rejection.
35 years of failure!

2. 2. ALFA THOMAS EDISON (Light Ball Finder)
Did you know ... how many times the experiment was doing until it was successfully created the light bulb ..... Hmmm ...  2000 Kali failures he experienced during his experiments until really this bulb can be lit and we can enjoy now.
In the journey is a lot of failed experiments and barriers they experienced, such as house burst, ostracized by the surrounding environment because it was considered crazy, his hearing destroyed by an explosion in his laboratory.
2,000 times failure!

3. 3.  ROBERT.T.KOYOSAKI (Pioneer Business Networks and billionaire Success)
  Prior to becoming wealthy, he was a pilot officer in the U.S. Marine Corps helicopter, an employee at a company and then founded his own company which manufactures wallets "Surfer" from the Velcro and Nylon.
  How many times did he fail before achieving success and glory ....
2 times of failure and loss of 2 billion dollars!

See wiki Ghobro :

Promised yourself

Promised yourself to become so unruly so that no one can interfere with the serenity yourself
Promised yourself to talk about good health. Happiness, and well-being to everyone you meet.

    Promised yourself to make all your feel life is important and valuable.

    Promised yourself to see the best of everything and be optimistic.

    Promised yourself to think the best, work the best, and expect only the best.

    Promised yourself to always enthusiastic towards the success of others as your own success.

    Promised yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and pursue larger in the future.

    Promised yourself to always cheerful and give a smile on everyone you meet.

    Promised yourself to spend as much time as possible to the progress of yourself until you do not have the time to criticize others.

    Promised yourself to be larger than the concern and too noble to anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to allow the existence of a problem

See Latau on Ghobro :

Langkah-langkah sederhana dalam Menghadapi Kegagalan

Ada beberapa langkah sederhana yang dapat kita lakukan pada saat kita menghadapi kegagalan:

1. Pasrah kepada Tuhan

2. Ambil Hikmah

3. Istirahat

4. Bertanya dan Evaluasi

5. Memulai kegiatan baru
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Berani Gagal

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Belajar dari Anak Kecil

Jetti Daliati dalam Facebook Komunitas Berani Gagal menulis :
Kita harus belajar dari anak kecil yang baru belajar jalan....... jatuh...

buka Opini Ghobro :

Penghargaan untuk orang-orang yang gagal


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