Solusi Mengatasi Usaha Gagal Terus

Serangkaian usaha yang dilakukan berbuah kegagalan. Usaha digital gagal, usaha offline pun gagal. Wajar kalau kemudian timbul frustasi, lalu bagaimana menyikapinya.

Promised yourself

Promised yourself to become so unruly so that no one can interfere with the serenity yourself
Promised yourself to talk about good health. Happiness, and well-being to everyone you meet.

    Promised yourself to make all your feel life is important and valuable.

    Promised yourself to see the best of everything and be optimistic.

    Promised yourself to think the best, work the best, and expect only the best.

    Promised yourself to always enthusiastic towards the success of others as your own success.

    Promised yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and pursue larger in the future.

    Promised yourself to always cheerful and give a smile on everyone you meet.

    Promised yourself to spend as much time as possible to the progress of yourself until you do not have the time to criticize others.

    Promised yourself to be larger than the concern and too noble to anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to allow the existence of a problem

See Latau on Ghobro :

Langkah-langkah sederhana dalam Menghadapi Kegagalan

Ada beberapa langkah sederhana yang dapat kita lakukan pada saat kita menghadapi kegagalan:

1. Pasrah kepada Tuhan

2. Ambil Hikmah

3. Istirahat

4. Bertanya dan Evaluasi

5. Memulai kegiatan baru
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Berani Gagal

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Belajar dari Anak Kecil

Jetti Daliati dalam Facebook Komunitas Berani Gagal menulis :
Kita harus belajar dari anak kecil yang baru belajar jalan....... jatuh...

buka Opini Ghobro :

Penghargaan untuk orang-orang yang gagal


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