Keluarga Zainal Abidin, Keluarga Politikus yang beruntung

Keluarga Zainal Abidin semula hanyalah peternak sapi perah, sementara ibunya hanyalah seorang pengusaha katering. Keuletan keluarga Zainal Abidin dalam beternak sapi mengantarkannya menjadi pengurus koperasi susu dengan berbagai prestasi.

Dari pengalaman memimpin para peternak sapi perah dengan berbagai permasalahannya itulah yang kemudian mendorong keluarga Zainal Abidin maju menjadi seorang legislator dengan harapan akan bisa lebih memperjuangkan nasib para peternak lebih maju lagi.
Selengkapnya baca : Info Ghobro :

The winners

Winners are people like you

Winners take a risk as other, they fear failing, but they refused to give the fear

The winner does not want to give up, when life is difficult, they will survive until the situation becomes better.

Winners be flexible, they are aware that there are other ways and dare to try other ways.

Winners sometimes failed but they are not forever.

Failed, with their hard heads that try to deny the failure impede their success.

Winners recognize that they are not perfect,
but they realize the lack of focus on their strengths.

Winners do not blame the failure on bad fortune.
Or on the success of their fortune.

Winners accept responsibility for their lives.

Winners are positive thinkers who see good things
in all things.

From the ordinary, to be changed by the extraordinary.

The winner chooses who believes the road even though difficult, even
when other people can not understand where they are heading

Indonesia : Latau on Ghobro :

Eco Yulianto, so rich with cassavaEco Yulianto, so rich with cassava

Who Said the nation Indonesia junky. Proof Eco Yulianto, alumnus of Economic Management, UPN Yogyakarta proved quality. His creativity has altered cassava considered food titles be classy food.

Cassava is known with cassava is always considered food people. Generally with a boiled or fried, the community made friends fun to drink tea. But with new innovations, Eko and his friends, turning them into chips and confectionary various taste, there is taste of Orange, strawberry, BBQ, chicken, spicy sweet balado, until the cheese.

The product named Tela-tela Fried Cassava, began to be marketed in 2004 with the sale of ala pavement. Turns out the fairly high society gusto. Cassava or three from the Javanese, easily obtainable. Gusto buyer is quite high. ECO and comrades spread wings franchise/franchise system. Now business 4 young people from Yogya is already have 1500 outlets spread from Aceh to Irian Jaya. Therefore deserve if get awards as young Indonesia on producing innovative new business from ISMBEA (Indonesia Small and Medium Business On Award) in 2008.
Info Ghobro :

Party Election Winners per Region

Based on the data while created the National ELECTION COMMISSION in Tabulations of either when it will be updated data, party-the party that WINS in dapil-dapil while as follows:

See Info Ghobro :

The winner of the Election While per Area Selection

The movement of the calculation of votes in the ELECTION COMMISSION while it is still not running smoothly. Already a few days there is no incoming data, whereas rent room for tabulations is up. It is estimated there is damage to the system IT ELECTION COMMISSION

More see Info Ghobro :

Poetry of Mario Teguh

"You can not, such as kite flying, with wings
kupu2, when you want it big.
So pile your willingness and ability. "

"do not limit what is possible for you, because it
will limit what you want to do.
And that may limit you can achieve. "

"there are legal suitability for all things, he is
improve and will be a worthy life for the
improved. "

"we all want to ride the class, but not a few people
such as maintaining the applicable class of
now, with the spoil shiftlessness and delays. "

See on Latau Ghobro :

Elang Gumilang, young entrepreneurs are scintillatin

If you have a rich dad, Grandpa rich, have abundant heritage, have a family success, that officials, commonplace. But starting from scratch, then worked at the time, not many can do it. Elang Gumilang including one exception.
New young Entrepreneurs aged 23 years since childhood has started with a variety of marketing activities. Selling doughnuts, selling cooking oil, selling bolham has tried him now, Elang gumilang be developer development RSS. Efforts in the field of the property of commencement as marketing housing.

Elang Gumilang still recorded as a student, now lead PT. Dwikarsa Semesta Guna which employs a lot of employees. Creativity Eagle Gumilang seen from the hand setting a price RSS, with a cash advance is only USD 1.25 million and the repayments USD 90,000/month, the community under the already can crediting home for 15 years. One innovation that is quite a brillian.

Seen : Info Ghobro :